The Parish is fortunate to have a wealth of clubs and organised activites within its boundaries. We’ve provided links and information here, plus contact details of the various organisers.
Puriton Sports Centre
Church Field Lane, Puriton, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 8BY
Puriton Gold Archery Club
Tuesdays at 7pm. Click here to send Mark an email.
Coastal Archers
Wednesday 6:30-8:30pm (winter only). Click here to send Robin an email.
Burnham Company of Archers
Sundays 10am-1pm. Click here to send Adam an email.
Puriton Bowling Club
All day, every day. Contact Derek Clarke on 01278 683882.
Sydenham ABC Boxing Club
Every Thursday at 6.30pm. Contact Robert on 07950 909 247.
Fitness with Tash
Mondays at 6pm. Contact Tash on 07563 823140.
Little Kickers
Tuesdays 9.30-10.30. Click here to send Andy an email.
Puriton Happy Tots (parent-led baby/toddler group)
Fridays (term time only) at 10.30-12.00. Contact Charlie on 07446 672838.
Zumba Mad
Thursdays at 6.30pm. Contact Madeleine on 07974 555391.
Funk Fit
Tuesdays 18:00-19:00 (not 2nd Tuesday of every month). Contact Madeleine on 07974 555391.
Dance Fit
Wednesdays at 9:30-10:30. Contact Karen on 07770 886475.
Wednesdays at 18:00-19:00. Click here to send Gemma an email.
Imagine Dance (children’s dance)
Mondays 5.30-8.30. Contact Imogen on 07951 998643.
Victoria Park Rangers (junior football)
Every Saturday. Contact Jason on 07786 851710.
Willow Youth Theatre
Friday evenings (term time only). Contact Heidi on 07828 111667.
Parish Council
Meeting upstairs on the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm. Click here to send Sally an email.
Puriton Village Hall
Riverton Road, Puriton, Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 8BP
Women’s Institute
First Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm. Contact Vicci on 07877 042 363.
Every Monday at 7.30pm. Contact Jacky on 07980 052 519.
Puriton Players
Every Thursday evening. Contact Alan Scott on 07734 357 981.
Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Rainbows every Tuesday (term time) 5pm-6pm, Brownies every Tuesday (term time) 6pm-7.30pm. Click here to email Denise.
Every Thursday at 6-7pm. Click here to email Hugh.
Every Thursday at 7-8pm. Click here to email Hugh.
Clist Church Hall
First Saturday of every month, noon-3pm. Click here to send an email.
Coffee Stop
Tuesdays 10.30am.
Puriton Patchwork and Quilting Group
Tuesdays 7pm. For information please call Yvonne Pearce on 07711 009425.
Bell Ringing
At the church tower every Monday at 7.30pm. Contact Norman on 684050.
Cuppa @ The Clist
First and third Thursday at 2pm. Contact Janet on 684027.
Puriton Afternoon/Over 60 Club
Every second and fourth Thursday from 2.00-4.00. All welcome. Contact Dot on 07849 740774.
Puriton Whist drive
Last Wednesday of each month at 7pm. For information contact Betty Norman on 683233 or Les Snow on 684075.
Talking Cafe
Every Wednesday 11am-1pm, Bitham Walk, Woolavington.
Clist Room
The Clist room, adjacent to the church, is for hire from Mrs A Russ on 01278 684221.
Puriton Assault Course
- Members of the Council and the Pump Track working group discussed the potential of adding additional outdoor equipment be installed on completion of the pump track at the sports Centre, at the time we were keen to utilise the unused area of the sports Centre. The Council sought funding and permission from Puriton Sports Centre committee to move the project forward.
- It was agreed that a sustainable and organic style course would provide a challenging, creative, and suitable environment to match the setting, with addition of a zip wire which was requested by members of the community.
- Funding was sourced from various quarters including CIL funds, an anonymous donor of £10k and Gravity who were keen to invest some capital into the project and were very pleased to fund the zip wire, which was named “Gravity”.
- The assault course was opened in early August 2023.
Puriton Orchard
- Puriton Orchard is located between Woolavington Road and Waterloo Close and maintained by the Village Ranger. There are planters for herbs, and residents can take the fruits and herbs grown home with them at any time.

Manse Lane Play Area
Puriton Parish Council were approached by Somerset Council to take over Manse Lane play area due to the finance constraints and asset devolution at the start of the new financial year in April 2024.
The Parish Council have agreed to inspect and maintain the grass and green areas of this lovely park for 12 months with the option to take permanent responsibility in April 2025.
It is a lovely space for children to play and climb.