Puriton Flower Show

This small group of village residents’ main aim is to continue the long tradition of the Village Show. The Flower Show has been a much loved event during August for the last 39 years in its current form.

Flower Show day in Puriton is one of the highlights of the year. The community, family and friends come together to view the wonderful exhibits in the village hall and enjoy the silver band, refreshments and car boot on the playing field. There is a small admission charge for adults to enter the hall.

Prior to the show a free schedule and entry form is delivered to every house. It is designed for people of all ages and abilities to be creative in handicraft, cookery, photography and arts, as well as gardening. With the resurgence of interest in home crafts, “grow your own” and the availability of village allotments the event is a showcase for people’s achievements. On average 100 residents enter 400+ items in the various classes with visitors on the day exceeding 275. We see it as important that it is free to exhibit in the show. We do not offer prize money to adults, the glory is in winning the trophies. There are sections for children according to age and winners receive trophies in all categories.

We give every child a small prize to reward their participation. All classes are open to any resident of Puriton, Downend or Dunball.

The organizing committee is small and there is no general membership or subscription fee. We meet 3 or 4 times a year to plan our fundraising events to finance the Show. In the spring or early summer we arrange a talk from an expert on some aspect of gardening with a question and answer session afterwards. Our plant sale in May gives villagers an opportunity to purchase good quality bedding and basket plants at reasonable prices. We also try to include some vegetable plants.

We have been fortunate during the past couple of years to have received a small grant from the Villages Together fund and continued support from The Puriton Inn by receiving generous donations from their charitable funds.

We do have some fun and enjoy a skittle social now and then. If you would be interested in joining us please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Brian Wood, Chairman –  call on 01278 686921 or click here to send an email.

Janet Williams, Secretary – call on 01278 684027 or click here to send an email.