Community Awards
Puriton Parish Council recognises the importance of acknowledging the positive contributions made to the parish and its community through the actions of its residents.
There are a number of opportunities for Puriton Parish Council to either nominate or award a resident for particularly good deeds or significant achievements.
Good Citizen Award
The Parish Council is proud of the many community organisations and activities in the parish and the community spirit of residents.
The Parish Council is keen to recognise the achievements of those people who voluntarily and selflessly work to improve and enhance the lives of local people. In recognising the huge benefit of this kind of work it is hoped that others will be inspired to contribute to make the parish of Puriton an even better place to live.
The aim of presenting an award is to promote pride in the community and to promote the idea of the community as something to be valued. The presentation of the award will provide an opportunity to increase awareness of the good works in the parish and to allow that work to be celebrated.
The Good Citizen Award will be awarded to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding effort, over a sustained period of time. Their good deeds will have contributed to improving and making a significant difference in our community.
The Parish Council will accept nominations from 1st November to 31st December and will be presented at the January Parish Council meeting.
Christmas Lights Award
The most light-hearted award the Parish Council administers often attracts the fiercest competition!
Each year the streets of Puriton are lit up by homes decorated with festive lights to celebrate the Christmas season. A judge is appointed to visit every street in Puriton, Dunball and Downend and to decide the winner and runners up of the Christmas lights. The winners are announced between Christmas and New Year and will receive a token gift card.