Planning at a Local Level
Please note that all planning matters are addressed at the full council meeting from 7:00pm, towards the beginning of the agenda.
The Planning Process
Puriton Parish Council is entitled to be notified by Somerset Council of planning applications affecting the council’s area and to comment on those applications. Any views expressed by Puriton Parish Council will be taken into account by Somerset Council before a decision is made, providing the points made are relevant to the determination of a planning application. The Parish Council plays an active part in the decision making process for planning applications affecting Puriton, but the final decision is made by Somerset Council as the local planning authority, not the Parish Council.
Every planning application that relates to land and buildings in the parish of Puriton is considered at a meeting of the Parish Council, which the public are welcome to attend. There is a period near the start of every meeting where members of the public, including those supporting or opposing a planning application, can make statements. Councillors will then discuss and vote on the comments to be made by the Parish Council on each application.
Once the Parish Council has heard the views of the parish they will discuss the application and send its comments to Somerset Council. Members of the public are encouraged to submit comments to Somerset Council, but please do note that anonymous comments will not be considered. Information on planning applications can be found through Somerset Council’s planning portal.
Matters which are considered relevant to the development proposal may include the following, although this is by no means an exhaustive list:
- Structure and Local Plans
- Noise, disturbance and smells
- Government guidance and legislation
- Case law and previous decisions
- Conservation (buildings, trees etc.)
- Highway safety and traffic
- Loss of privacy and effect on light.
A list of the planning applications to be discussed are attached to the agenda that is published on the Parish Council noticeboards by the Thursday prior to the Parish Council meeting which is normally the second Tuesday of each month at 7pm at Puriton Sports Centre. Agendas are also published on the Council Meetings page of this website.
Councillor Responsibility
In terms of representation individual parish councillors do not represent specific areas of the village.
If you wish to raise an issue with the council you can do so by contacting the clerk or any of the councillors listed on the Councillors & Staff page.